Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Thinker...

Well, I started to gather pictures to write a post about Drew's goofy Christmas list. The post would have gone something like this....

Spencer had the boys sit down last week to work on writing a list of things that they wanted to as Santa to get them for Christmas. There is nothing too exciting on there, a few DS and Wii games, a few regular games, some sports memorabelia, a few stuffed animals/characters, even a book or two...regular 8 year old boy stuff. Except upon closer look at Drew's list, we noticed that he was very specific about some of the things that he wanted, things we have never seen before....

"Ummmm....Drew, have you ever actually seen any of these things that you put on your Christmas list?"

Drew: "Wey'llllll no"

"Well Drew, don't you want to put things on your Christmas list that you are sure actually exist? You know, so Santa doesn't get confused?"

Drew: "Wey'llllll.....maybe they exist....and, you know, maybe the elves could...."

....OMG!! #2 of the week....
those poor elves...

Anyway, that was what my post was going to be about. But, in the search for Christmas-sey Drew pictures, I found this old video that was taken Christmas Day 2004. Drew was 2 years, 6 months...and 27 days to be exact. ;-)

Isn't he amazing!!

I could smack myself every day for not video taping him more when he was this age...reading signs that we drove by; writing whatever words popped into his head on his Magnadoodle at church on Sundays (much to the shock of the people sitting behind us, I'm sure); playing on the computer keyboard; reading his books; hanging over his crib teaching his brothers how to spell words during the bedtime-talktime...he would make them repeat the letters...funniest thing ever!!

So, Drew, if the things on your Christmas list don't actually exist and those elves can't figure out how to make them, then I'm sorry. The world is really looking forward to you growing up and using that fabulous brain to invent all of the things that you realize are missing in the world.

We love you and I'm sure Santa and his elves will do their best.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Separation of Church and School

Charlie has been working on rhyming at school. He's been rhyming for a while.... thank you LeapFrog Company, but since they have been working on it at school, he is really "into" it now. He is forever throwing words out there and asking for rhymes, or just listing off things that rhyme, or sometimes, his brothers get in on the action and things get really interesting...like the Bears vs. Eagles rhymes/poems/songs/chants/taunts that were flying around our house yesterday.

Anyway, last week, we were invited to see a play in which our neighbor's son was performing. The play was the "Birth and Resurrection of Jesus Christ" and it was at the local Mormon Church. I knew that a lot of work has gone into the play and they had been practicing for months. We had tickets to Friday night's play and it was 1 of 4 showings. It was a big deal and there were probably a few hundred people there. Our neighbor had managed to get seats in the first and second row, right in the center.

We arrived a few minutes early so, the kids were sitting in the first row, talking to their friends and we were sitting in the second row talking and answering an occasional question from the kids.

At one point, Charlie turns around, gets up on his knees and loudly starts the "rhyming game" with Spencer....

Charlie (in his very loud 4 year old voice)- "Hey Daddy, Daddy, DADDY...ummmmm....What rhymes with......BOILET?!?!"

Daddy (whispering)- "uhhhhmmmm..... charlie....shhhhh......"

Charlie (still loud and now very excited!) - "DADDY.... it's TOILET!!! TOILET rhymes with BOILET!!!

OMG....and that folks, is the last time the Mormons invite a bunch of Catholics to sit in the front row of their beautiful play.

Our little Catholic boy...gotta love him...