Saturday, January 5, 2008

Would you believe him?

I got a new washing machine and dryer this summer. I love it. I can fit so much into the units and it is so nice to go down after running a load through the dryer and have the clothes actually be dry. The dryer runs until the clothes are dry, it actually knows when they are dry! Isn't that cool! Although I love my new machines, getting them wasn't a piece of cake. Instead of deciding one day that we should start shopping for a new set because we have do so much laundry, we decided to wait until one of the machines actually died. It was a long wait and a really long drawn-out death for our old dryer. It would have been nice if one day it just stopped working, but instead it gradually dried the clothes less and less and required more and more cycles to get a load dry. Then Spencer took a chance fixing it and then my dad had to give it a try. Each time that someone tried to fix it, it took a few more days to figure out that it really wasn't fixed. It was awful. But, all of that was worth it when one Thursday Night Date Night in July, after doing our research, my wonderful husband bought me a huge, super-deluxe washing machine and dryer.

You may be wondering why I brought this up today. Don't worry, I have a point. First, look at this picture of the control panel of our washing machine.

The way the control panel works is when you turn on the machine, there are orange lights to show you what your options are and then a green light to indicate which option has been selected. Since the machine was running when I took this picture, the temperature and other options have already been selected; therefore, you can only see the orange lights on the last 2 columns. Spencer has jokingly claimed, since we got the machine, that he can't do laundry *anymore* because the machines look too complicated. So anyway, Charlie puked in his crib tonight. I took care of cleaning up Charlie and Spencer took care of the dirty laundry. A while later, he was telling me that he wasn't sure if he did the laundry right because of all the buttons. Huh!?!?! So, I went down to look and to show him what to push. Well, it turns out that he *claims* that can't tell the difference in color between the green lights and the orange lights. And, it doesn't appear that he is joking. I've always known that he is a bit color blind, but orange vs. way! We definitely should have checked this out before we bought this set.

I guess that it is a really good thing that it is such a nice washer and dryer since I am apparently going to be doing all of the laundry for the rest our lives!!! You don't think he is messing with me do you???

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