So, today we celebrated...
Notice the odd-ly placed baseball. For the first time in 9 birthdays, they could not agree on a cake. And actually, it was only Jack and Drew that were with me. Jack wanted the sports cookie-cake and Drew DIDN'T! I try to be sensitive to the whole triplet-sharing-a-birthday thing, but we already had 20 left-over cupcakes at home and I was not about to buy 3 cakes. To further complicate the matter, this all took place **this** morning, as in 4 hours before the party. Fortunately, the nice lady at Jewel added a baseball and everyone was happy enough. Whew.Having a birthday around Memorial Day in Chicago means that you never know what you are going to get. But, today, we switched the "heat" over to "air-conditioning" and enjoyed 90 degree weather for the party, which seemed to make everyone happy.
Charlie looks happy.
Aidan and Liam look happy.
Ben definitely looks happy hanging in the hammock after a long weekend of soccer.
Happy Grandma's...
And, a Happy Charlie at the "Little Kid's Table", where the little cousins hang on his every word.
And, here is a funny story to hopefully make you happy too...
Here are the boys looking so excited about opening the ping-pong paddles and balls that they got from Grandma and Grandpa. I'm sure they are thinking "but, we don't have a ping-pong table!". They were good sports as everyone was suggesting how they could play with them, even though they don't have a table.