Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What's up?!?!?!

I have a laundry list of reasons that I have not been blogging. Fortunately, "we just haven't been having any fun" isn't one of them!! My reasons have more to do with being busy, broken camera, blown motherboard and just too tired. My current excuse is that we are on vacation in Ocean City and the charitable internet that I pick up from the neighbor only works sporatically. Since it is working this afternoon, I thought I would upload some pictures....assuming my internet connection lasts.

Ok, got it. And, in the process found a bunch more pictures that deserve their own post and story. So, stay tuned...


~~Mel~~ said...

Looks like a great time!

Jennifer said...

AWESOME Pictures!!! All of them are frame-worthy when you get back :-). Glad you are having a blast!

Cathy said...

Yeah!! You are back and I love the NEW LOOK of your Blog!! I missed you!!

Looks like everyone is having a blast!! ;)