Who wants popcorn???
The boys had their first experience as salesmen a couple of weeks ago. We spent a couple of hours in front of the grocery store selling Cub Scout popcorn. I am not a salesperson at all...in fact, I hate selling stuff. But, I have to admit it was pretty fun. Maybe it was because the boys were so darn cute. I think the hat got them some extra sales and donations.
"Would you....ummmm.....like to sell....
ummmm...I mean *BUY* some popcorn,
or....ummmmm....make a DOMINATION???"
So, would you??? ;-) Seriously, let me know if you want some. I can put you in touch with an expert sales person.
We would love to buy some popcorn from our three favorite boy scouts. Put us down for $20.00. We'll order some cheese popcorn with the rest going towards a 'domination'.
We would love to buy some. Let me know the choices. Elaine
DH and M sold popcorn on Sunday too. Gotta love Cub Scouts. :)
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