Thursday, April 30, 2009

The world has gone nuts...

So, how good do you feel that the people "with power" are going to protect us from anything? I have to admit that I'm not too concerned about the pig flu (yet) but watching all of the reports about it has been scary. Not scary like we are all going to die of the pig flu, but scary as in, the plan for protecting us stinks. I thought Joe Biden summed it up perfectly when he said that he advised *his* family to take more precautions like not travel by plane or subway, BUT! he also is arguing that there is "no practical benefit" to shutting down the border with Mexico. What's with that??? you think that maybe he would have felt different about that if *his* family happened to be shopping at that Houston mall the same time as that poor little boy that had just came from Mexico and ended up dying from the pig flu later that day? It's all about the votes, I guess.

Stay Healthy!!


Cathy said...

LOL!!! I saw this on FaceBook! Too funny but nasty!!! ;)

The Wilcoxson's said...

that would be my "safari" that would want to kiss the pig. The only person that can protect us is God and everyone else is just using a band-aid. All i am doing is sitting and watching these politicians dance around what to do and what not do so that they do not step on any business people's toes because re-election is around the corner.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and with Wilcoxson "The only person that can protect us is God..." Amen to that.
