Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's Picture Day!!!

Woo Hoo!!

Why do I think picture day is worthy of a "Woo Hoo!!"?

Well, the reason is a bit embarassing, but since you are nice enough to read my blog, I'll tell you.

Here goes...

It makes me a bit sad that it is not too "cool" for them to be dressed like triplets anymore.

There I said it, now you can all go laugh at my dorkiness.

Since I don't want my kids growing up to be as big of a dork as their mother, you'll be happy to know that with the exception of picture days, Chrismas, Easter and Thanksgiving, I do not dress them the same. In fact, I am trying very hard to not co-ordinate their clothes any more either. But logistically, that is not as easy as it seems. Not to go off on a tangent, but seriously, when you are shopping and you find a shirt that you like, how can you just bring home one shirt when you have 3 boys that could wear it. And then how do you decide whose it is? Do you just hide it until you find 2 more different shirts that you like too? Well???

So, back to the original point of this post. It is picture day in 1st grade and Mommy got to dress her boys any way she wants! I did sneak in a couple of pictures of my TRIPLETS! before they left for school this morning.

Charlie thinks he's 6, maybe I should have gotten a sweater for him too.

Oops, I hope the picture guy does a better job than me.

Drew for President!!


The Wright Trips said...

Kelly! Those boys are soooo handsome. And you're not a dork, just a loving mama! And I love how little Charlie just fits in the picture.


Anonymous said...

Your boys are too cute!


Cathy said...

Awwwwww.... I love the last picture!! That should be the one to make it in the yearbook!! :)
That would be funny if your dressed Charlie the same... maybe people will think you have QUADS!!.. one just happen to be really short! LOL!! Keep on smilin' boys!